The use of our names, logos, and images are of utmost importance to the integrity of our contests and brands.

By participating in the contest, whether as a contributor, nominee, voter, finalist, winner, sponsor, partner, vendor, or otherwise, you agree to comply with these guidelines.

In return, we grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free limited license to use our brand assets as set forth below.

We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to terminate or modify these guidelines, and to take action against any use that does not conform to these guidelines. Except as set forth below, we do not grant to you any right, title, or interest in our brands. This is also not a trademark license. Your use of our brands within these guidelines will inure to the benefit of Inbound Systems, and we disclaim any warranties, either expressed or implied by law regarding our brands, including warranties of noninfringement. These guidelines shall be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho, without regard to conflict of law principles, and the venue for any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms shall be in Ada County, Idaho.

Examples of Misuse:

The cases below are only examples. Actual misuse is not limited to this list:

  • Creating your own certificate or plaque
  • Using our brand in a way that makes it appear you represent our organization
  • Altering the color of our branded images to suit your company’s colors
  • Removing the Inbound Systems logo from a badge
  • Claiming you’re a sponsor past the expiration date of your sponsorship

Orlando’s Best


You may reference the Orlando’s Best brand in text form as long as it is not misleading. In no way should it give a false impression. For instance, if you are a nominee, the reader should not be led to believe that you won the award.

When using the Orlando’s Best name, you agree to follow these guidelines:

  • Do not combine “Orlando’s” and “Best” as one word (i.e. Orlando’sBest).
  • Whenever possible, include the ™. This can often be done by pressing Alt + 2 on the keyboard.


You may use our logo only as approved and provided by us. Typically, our logo will not be permitted for stand-alone use. Instead, it will often be found inside a badge or pre-designed graphic (see below).

The reason is subtle, but important! Let’s say you are named a winner and publish only our logo on your website. This is incomplete and perhaps misleading. The logo does not indicate which year you won, the region (if applicable) you won, which awards you won, nor does it indicate whether or not you were a nominee, finalist, or winner.

When using the Orlando’s Best logo, follow these guidelines:

  • Obtain our expressed approval prior to using our logo in a stand-alone format. When asking, please provide specific details on how you will use it.
  • If approved, do not alter the files we provide you in any way. If you need it in a different format, please ask us.


After the end of each awards program we provide badges in digital format for named finalists and winners.

When using our badges, follow these guidelines:

  • Only use the badge provided to you in the manner it was intended. For instance, if you’re a finalist, you may not use the winner badge unless you were also named a winner.
  • Do not alter the badges in any way. This includes the following removing the border, removing the Inbound Systems logo, changing the text, or altering the colors.
  • If you need the badge in a different file format, or need a black and white version, please ask us.
  • Use of the badge(s) is only for the brand that won the award. As an example, if you change your company name for any reason, you may not use the badge provided unless you obtain further expressed approval from us.

Pre-Designed Graphics

For the convenience of our participants, we will from time to time provide pre-designed graphics. This may include graphics in digital or printed format.

When using our pre-designed graphics, follow these guidelines:

  • Graphics are often intended for temporary use and, as applicable, must be taken down and/or unpublished in a timely manner. For instance, “vote for us” graphics must be removed as soon as possible after the end of the voting period.
  • Do not alter the pre-designed graphics in any way.
  • If you need the graphics in a different file format, please ask us.
  • If you’d like to design your own graphics using a badge, please ask us.


Please do not misuse our brand! We actively monitor use of our brands online and in-person.

If, at our sole discretion, we find that you are misusing any of our brands in any way, we may request that you remedy or cease use of it. We may attempt to deliver our request to you via email, phone, mail, or in-person. Upon such request, you must immediately comply. Failure to adhere to our request may force us to revoke award results and/or seek legal counsel in order to protect the integrity of our brands. Please do not let it come to this… We all know that legal counsel isn’t cheap!